vendredi 1 juin 2012

Feelings gone in the Wind_ Bundle

Let me present you my last kit, full of melancholy and femininity. It is called: "Feelings Gone with the wind"

It contains 16 papers and 88 elements.

I hope you enjoy it!

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Feelings gone in the wind

Je vous présente mon dernier kit, empli de mélancolie et féminité. Il s'appelle :"Feelings gone with the wind" ou Sentiments partis dans le vent!

Il contient 16 papiers et 88 éléments.

J’espère qu'il vous plaira!

Disponible ici:

Let me prsent you my last kit, full of melancholy and femininity. It is called: "Feelings Gone with the wind"

It contains 16 papers and 88 elements.

I hope you enjoy it!

Available here:

 la page de Cocotounette:

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